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Level 1 – Lesson 1

Vocabulary: bird, boat, book, bus, cat, dog, mouse
Numbers: 1–6 one, two, three, four five, six
Language. What number is this?

Level 1 – Lesson 2

Colours: blue, green, orange, purple, red, yellow, brown, black
Language. Hello. I’m (Jenny/Jim); What colour’s this? It’s (red)

Level 1 – Lesson 3

Friends and family vocabulary: man, woman, boy, girl, mum, dad, brother, sister, pet
Grammar: What’s your name? My name is…I’m…;
How old are you? I’m…

Level 1 – Lesson 4

Vocabulary: pen, rubber, pencil case, ruler, sharpener, door, wall
Grammar: What are they? They are…; Are they…? Yes/No;
Where’s my…? It’s in/on/under…

Level 1 – Lesson 5

Food Vocabulary: melon, lemon, apricot, plum, pear, peach
Grammar: There is a banana /There are two bananas

Level 1 – Lesson 6

Vocabulary.school: School bag, classroom, pencil, playground, teacher, window, door, floor
Grammar: What’s your name? My name is… ; I’m…;

Level 1 – Lesson 7

Vocabulary: board, bookcase, chair, cupboard, table, pen, rubber, eraser
Grammar: What’s his/her name? His/Her name is… ; I’m…;

Level 1 – Lesson 8

Vocabulary: in, on, under, behind, between, in front of
Grammar: How old are you? I`m ….; How old is he/she? He/She`s ….; Where is it? It ‘s in/on/under…; There is /are …

Level 1 – Lesson 9

Vocabulary: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten
Grammar: What are they? They are…; Are they…? Yes/No;

Level 1 – Lesson 10

Vocabulary. Food: apple, banana, grapes, orange, watermelon, beans,
Grammar: There’s/There are…; How many… are there? A lot.

Level 1 – Lesson 11

Vocabulary. Food: burger, carrot, egg, rice, Tomato, bread
Grammar: There’s/There are…; How many… are there? A lot.

Level 1 – Lesson 13

Vocabulary. Rooms: bathroom, bedroom, garden, kitchen, livingroom
Grammar: I am happy; I am sad ; I’m not happy; I’m not sad

Level 1 – Lesson 14

Vocabulary. Body: ears, eyes, hair, mouth, legs, surprised, excited
Grammar: I/You haven’t got … ; Are you surprised/ excited…?

Level 1 – Lesson 15

Vocabulary. Describing appearance: big, small, long, short, beautiful, tall
Grammar: Have you got…? Yes I have, No I haven’t; Is it small…? Yes it is/No it isn`t

Level 1 – Lesson 16

Vocabulary. Toys: board game, camera, doll, teddy, train
Grammar: I/We/They haven’t got …

Level 1 – Lesson 17

Vocabulary. More toys: ball, balloon, bike, car, plane
Grammar: Do you like this car? Yes I do, No I don’t

Level 1 – Lesson 18

Vocabulary. Action verbs: climb, jump, run, swim, walk
Grammar: Do you like V+ing ? Yes I like it, Yes I love it!

Level 1 – Lesson 19

Vocabulary. Free time activities: catch a ball, fly a plane, play basketball, play football, play the piano
Grammar: What’s your favourite animal? I like lions; Do you like …s? I like/I don’t like

Level 1 – Lesson 20

Home vocabulary: bed, clock, computer, lamp, mirror
Functions: I’ve/You’ve got… I/We/They haven’t got…

Level 1 – Lesson 21

Body vocabulary: arms, foot, feet, nose, hand, knee, toes, fingers
Functions: Touch her knees; Touch her toes; Touch her fingers; Touch her knees; Touch her hand; Touch her feet; Touch her arms.
Have you got…?; Yes, I have / No, I haven’t

Level 1 – Lesson 22

More action verbs:: clean, drink, eat, sleep, take a photo, study
Functions: He’s/She’s got…; He/She hasn’t got…; ; Yes, She has/No She hasn’t; What’s your name? My name is…/I’m…

Level 1 – Lesson 23

Describing appearance, opposites: good; bad; pretty, ugly; hot, cold; fast, slow; tall, short
Functions: Has he/she got…?; Yes, he’s/she’s got…

Level 1 – Lesson 24

Nature vocabulary: beach, flower, sea, sun, tree, mountain, river
Functions: Can you (climb a tree)? Yes I can/No I can’t; I can play football

Level 1 – Lesson 25

Family and friends vocabulary: man, woman, boy, girl, family, mum, dad, brother, sister, pet
Functions: What are you doing?I am playing the guitar

Level 1 – Lesson 26

School vocabulary: school bag, classroom, pencil, playground, teacher, board, bookcase, chair, cupboard, table
Functions: What is she/he doing? She/He’s playing the football;
Is she playing tennis? Yes, She is/ No, She isn’t; Mary is playing the saxophone

Level 1 – Lesson 27

Clothes vocabulary: jacket, jeans, shoes, socks, t-shirt, trousers, skirt, shirt, scarf, hat
Functions: I want my jeans, I don’t want my socks; Do you want your jacket? Yes I do/No I don’t

Level 1 – Lesson 28

Farm animals vocabulary: dog, cat, lamb, chicken, donkey, goat, horse, duck
Functions: What are they? They are… Are they…? Yes they are/No they aren’t

Level 1 – Lesson 29

Vocabulary: a white dog, a black cat, a brown lamb, a red and white chicken, a brown donkey, a white goat, a black horse, a yellow duck
Functions: How old are you? I’m (ten) years old; How old is he/she? He’s…She’s (ten) years old

Level 1 – Lesson 30

Vocabulary: a grey jacket, blue jeans, black shoes, orange socks, pink t-shirt, brown trousers, a red skirt, a white shirt, a brown scarf, a black hat
Functions: What’s her/his name? Her/His name is…