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Level 3 English Course

Movers Level

Expand your vocabulary, enhance your speaking skills, and dive into engaging activities with our Level 3 English Course! Learning has never been this enjoyable!


Select the lessons you would like to complete.

Lesson 1 Image

Lesson 1 Not Completed

Vocabulary: Mountain, Lake, River, Leaf, Forest | Grammar: Present Continuous – I am playing, You/We/They are playing, He/She/It is playing

Lesson 2 Image

Lesson 2 Not Completed

Vocabulary: Wake up, Shower, Towel, Get dressed, Toothbrush | Grammar: Present Continuous – She is having a shower

Lesson 3 Image

Lesson 3 Not Completed

Vocabulary: Twenty, Thirty, Forty, Fifty, Sixty | Grammar: Present Continuous – They are counting to fifty

Lesson 4 Image

Lesson 4 Not Completed

Vocabulary: Look after, Turn on, Go shopping, Wash hands | Grammar: Present Simple – Routines – She washes her hands before lunch

Lesson 5 Image

Lesson 5 Not Completed

Vocabulary: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday | Grammar: Present Simple – Routines – He plays football on Fridays

Lesson 6 Image

Lesson 6 Not Completed

Vocabulary: Listen to music, Read, Watch films | Grammar: Present Simple – Daily Routines – What time do you get up? I get up at 7 AM

Lesson 7 Image

Lesson 7 Not Completed

Vocabulary: Always, Never, Often, Sometimes, Usually | Grammar: Frequency Adverbs – How often do you go swimming? I sometimes go swimming

Lesson 8 Image

Lesson 8 Not Completed

Vocabulary: Play basketball, Go swimming, Ride a bike, Helmet | Grammar: Must / Mustn’t – You must wear a helmet

Lesson 9 Image

Lesson 9 Not Completed

Vocabulary: Clown, Pirate, Doctor, Cook, Dentist | Grammar: Present Simple vs. Continuous – He’s working at the hospital today

Lesson 10 Image

Lesson 10 Not Completed

Vocabulary: Bell, Elf, Snow, Sled, Santa | Grammar: Asking and Answering Questions – Why do you love Christmas? Because I get presents

Lesson 11 Image

Lesson 11 Not Completed

Vocabulary: Thin, Tall, Blonde, Short, Curly | Grammar: Present Simple vs. Continuous – She is wearing a red dress today

Lesson 12 Image

Lesson 12 Not Completed

Vocabulary & Grammar: Review

Lesson 13 Image

Lesson 13 Not Completed

Vocabulary: Parents, Cousin, Grandparents, Aunt | Grammar: Comparatives – My sister is taller than me

Lesson 14 Image

Lesson 14 Not Completed

Vocabulary: First floor, Balcony, Basement, Lift | Grammar: Possessives – This is my brother’s room

Lesson 15 Image

Lesson 15 Not Completed

Vocabulary: Roof, Stairs, Inside, Outside | Grammar: Comparatives

Lesson 16 Image

Lesson 16 Not Completed

Vocabulary: Dishwasher, Mixer, Stapler, Hair dryer | Grammar: Possessives

Lesson 17 Image

Lesson 17 Not Completed

Vocabulary: Bear, Bat, Parrot, Shark | Grammar: Superlatives

Lesson 18 Image

Lesson 18 Not Completed

Vocabulary: Panda, Lion, Whale, Dolphin | Grammar: Prepositions

Lesson 19 Image

Lesson 19 Not Completed

Vocabulary: Run, Jump, Fly, Walk, Hide | Grammar: Superlatives

Lesson 20 Image

Lesson 20 Not Completed

Vocabulary: Meat, Fish, Seeds, Herbivore | Grammar: Superlatives Review

Lesson 21 Image

Lesson 21 Not Completed

Vocabulary: Cloud, Wind, Rainbow, Rain, Snow | Grammar: Prepositions

Lesson 22 Image

Lesson 22 Not Completed

Vocabulary: T-shirt, Sweater, Boots, Coat | Grammar: Past Tense – There was/were

Lesson 23 Image

Lesson 23 Not Completed

Vocabulary: Leprechaun, Rainbow, Shamrock, Harp | Grammar: Past Tense – To Be

Lesson 24 Image

Lesson 24 Not Completed

Vocabulary: Cloudy, Windy, Sunny, Stormy | Grammar: Past To Be – Affirmative/Negative

Lesson 24 Image

Lesson 25 Not Completed

Vocabulary: Cup, Plate, Sandwich, Cheese, Salad | Grammar: Past Simple – Irregular Verbs

Lesson 24 Image

Lesson 26 Not Completed

Vocabulary: Cook, Boil, Fry, Cut | Grammar: Past Simple – Regular & Irregular Verbs

Lesson 24 Image

Lesson 27 Not Completed

Vocabulary: Ride, Ticket, Map, Funfair, Car park | Grammar: Past Simple – Regular Verbs

Lesson 24 Image

Lesson 28 Not Completed

Vocabulary: Café, Cinema, Hospital, Market | Grammar: Past Simple – Regular Verbs

Lesson 24 Image

Lesson 29 Not Completed

Vocabulary: Surprised, Exciting, Boring, Hungry | Grammar: Past Simple – "ed" Pronunciation

Lesson 24 Image

Lesson 30 Not Completed

Vocabulary: Monument, World Tour, Travel, Beach | Grammar: Past Simple – Negative

Imagen de Fondo


Level 3 – Lesson 1

Duración: 0 minutos

Vocabulary. Countryside: mountain, lake, river, leaf, leaves, grass, ground, forest
Grammar. Present continuous:Subject + to be (am, is, are) + Verb(ing): I am playing, you, we, they are playing / He, she, it is playing

Level 3 – Lesson 2

Duración: 0 minutos

Vocabulary. Daily routines: wake up, have a shower, towel, get dressed, toothpaste, toothbrush, have breakfast
Grammar. Present continuous:Subject + to be (am, is, are) + Verb(ing): I am playing, you, we, they are playing / He, she, it is playing

Level 3 – Lesson 3

Duración: 0 minutos

Vocabulary. Numbers 20, 30, 40,…: twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety.
Grammar. Present continuous: Subject + to be (am, is, are) + Verb (ing) to be (am, is, are) + Verb (ing): I am playing, you, we, they are playing / He, she, it is playing

Level 3 – Lesson 4

Duración: 0 minutos

Vocabulary. Verbs: look after, turn off, turn on, go shopping, have lunch, wash your hands, clean your teeth, get up
Grammar: Present simple – routines:Subject + Verb (in present): I, you, we, they play/He, she, it plays

Level 3 – Lesson 5

Duración: 0 minutos

Vocabulary. Days of the week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.
Grammar: Present simple – routines:Subject + Verb (in present): I, you, we, they play/ He, she, it plays

Level 3 – Lesson 6

Duración: 0 minutos

Vocabulary. Verbs: Listen to music, write an email, go skating, read a comic, go shopping, watch films, listen to a CD, watch a DVD
Grammar. present simple for daily routines: What time do you get up? I get up at…;

Level 3 – Lesson 7

Duración: 0 minutos

Vocabulary. Frequency Adverbs: always, never, rarely, often, sometimes, normally, frequently, usually
Grammar. Frequency Adverbs: how often do you brush your teeth? I always brush my teeth

Level 3 – Lesson 8

Duración: 0 minutos

Vocabulary. Sports: play basketball, play football, so swimming, play tennis, ride a bike, helmet, gloves, goggles
Grammar: must/mustn’t + Verb

Level 3 – Lesson 9

Duración: 0 minutos

Vocabulary. Jobs: clown, treasure, pirate, film star, pop star, present, cook, dentist, farmer, doctor, nurse,
Grammar. Present simple and Present continuous: He’s working today; What are you eating at the moment?

Level 3 – Lesson 10

Duración: 0 minutos

Vocabulary. Christmas: bell, elf, snow, toy, sled, Santa, reindeer, gift
Grammar: Asking and answering questions: why do you love Christmas? Because I get to open a lot of gifts!

Level 3 – Lesson 11

Duración: 0 minutos

Vocabulary. Descriptions (Adjectives): thin, tall, straight, blonde, short, fat, curly
Grammar. Present simple and Present continuous

Level 3 – Lesson 13

Duración: 0 minutos

Vocabulary. Family: parents, uncle, grandparents, daughter, son, cousin, grandson, granddaughter, aunt
Grammar: adjectives and comparatives

Level 3 – Lesson 14

Duración: 0 minutos

Vocabulary. The house: first floor, second floor, third floor, balcony, basement, lift
Grammar: possessives

Level 3 – Lesson 15

Duración: 0 minutos

Vocabulary. The house: roof, upstairs, downstairs, stairs, inside, outside
Grammar: Adjectives and comparatives

Level 3 – Lesson 16

Duración: 0 minutos

Vocabulary. The house: dishwasher, mixer, pencil sharpener, stapler, hair dryer, vacuum cleaner, washing machine
Grammar: possessives

Level 3 – Lesson 17

Duración: 0 minutos

Vocabulary. Animals: bear, bat, parrot, rabbit, kangaroo, shark
Grammar. Superlatives: young, pretty, fat, good

Level 3 – Lesson 18

Duración: 0 minutos

Vocabulary. Animals: panda, lion, cage, whale, penguin, dolphin
Grammar. Prepositions: above, near, below, opposite

Level 3 – Lesson 19

Duración: 0 minutos

Vocabulary. Verbs: run, climb, jump, hide, lose, fall, fly, move, walk
Grammar: Adjectives (superlatives): young, pretty, fat, good

Level 3 – Lesson 20

Duración: 0 minutos

Vocabulary: meat, leaves, fruit, fish, seeds, grass, carnivore, herbivore, omnivore
Grammar review: superlatives

Level 3 – Lesson 21

Duración: 0 minutos

Vocabulary. The weather: cloud, wind, rainbow, hot, rain, cold, sunny, snow
Grammar. Prepositions: above, near, below, opposite

Level 3 – Lesson 22

Duración: 0 minutos

Vocabulary. Clothes: T-shirt, shorts, sweater, scarf, boots, coat
There be in past/interrogative: Was/were there?

Level 3 – Lesson 23

Duración: 0 minutos

Vocabulary.s: leprechaun, gold pot, rainbow, Ireland, shamrock, horseshoe, harp
Grammar: I was; You were; He,She,It was; We,You, They were

Level 3 – Lesson 24

Duración: 0 minutos

Vocabulary.The weather: cloudy, rainy, windy, sunny, snowy, stormy
Grammar Review 1: Past To Be Affirmative/negative: I was/wasn’t; You were/weren’t; He,She,It was/wasn’t; We,You, They were/weren’t

Level 3 – Lesson 25

Duración: 0 minutos

Vocabulary. Food: cup, soup, plate, vegetables, sandwich, cheese, bowl, bottle, salad, glass
Grammar. Past simple- irregular verbs: Affirmative, Interrogative, negative: I went swimming last Saturday; Did you go to the park? Yes, I did; I didn’t go shopping yesterday.

Level 3 – Lesson 26

Duración: 0 minutos

Vocabulary. Actions in the kitchen: cook, wash, carry, drop, boil, fry, cry, cut
Grammar. Past simple-regular and irregular verbs: affirmative, interrogative, negative
I liked cooking them!; I fried the onions; I stopped because you started asking me questions…

Level 3 – Lesson 27

Duración: 0 minutos

Vocabulary. A day trip: ride, ticket, station, city centre, map, funfair, road, car park
Grammar. Past simple- more regular verbs: answered, asked, needed, called, danced, followed, happened, helped, played, jumped, showed, walked, wanted, watched, worked

Level 3 – Lesson 28

Duración: 0 minutos

Vocabulary. Places in town: café, square, cinema, library, hospital, shopping centre, supermarket, swimming pool, market, bus station
Grammar. Past simple- more regular verbs: changed, believed, believed, hoped, danced, lived, moved, used

Level 3 – Lesson 29

Duración: 0 minutos

Adjectives for opinions and feelings: surprised, frightened, dangerous, afraid, difficult, exciting, boring, tired, hungry, thirsty
Grammar. Past simple- regular verbs: «ed» pronunciation

Level 3 – Lesson 30

Duración: 0 minutos

Vocabulary. A new adventure: monument, world tour, email, travel, plane, beach, restaurant
Grammar. Past simple: negative