Level 2 English Course
The Functional Skills Level
Discover new words, practice speaking, and enjoy fun activities in our Level 2 English Course! Learning has never been this exciting!
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Level 2 – Lesson 1
School stationery: board, rule, desk, teacher, cupboard, bookcase
Numbers 1-10: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten
Grammar: prepositions of place
Level 2 – Lesson 2
School stationery: eraser, ruler, board, bookcase, computer, desk, television, pencil
Alphabet: A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H
Grammar: demonstrative pronouns: This/These; What’s this? This is a… What are these? they are …
Level 2 – Lesson 3
Household items: Lamp, mirror, sofa, armchair, clock bed
Alphabet: I-J-K-L-M-N
Grammar: verb to be: present simple, affirmative
Level 2 – Lesson 4
Food: Tomato, carrot, bacon, cookie, chocolate
Alphabet: o, p, q, r, s, t
Grammar: Verb to have got. Present simple: affirmative and negative; Who is she/he? She/He is…
Level 2 – Lesson 5
Furniture: Armchair, cupboard, table, door, window, chair.
Alphabet: U-V-W-X-Y-Z
Functions. Giving personal information: What’s your name? My name is…I’m…; How old are you? I’m…Where do you live? I live…; Where are you from? I am from…
Level 2 – Lesson 6
Numbers: sixteen, twelve, fifteen, eleven, fourteen, thirteen
Functions. Giving personal information: My name is…; I´m from…; I like playing/live/play…
Level 2 – Lesson 7
Numbers: sixteen, twenty, eighteen, nineteen, fifteen, seventeen
Functions. Giving personal information: I’m… years old; I like playing….; My favourite…;
I have got… I haven’t got …He/She likes, He/She doesn’t like
Level 2 – Lesson 8
Toys: alien, kite, camara, lorry, robot, watch
Grammar: animal Description (singular): It’s got long ears. It hasn’t got short tail.
Level 2 – Lesson 9
Household rooms: bathroom, bedroom, dining room, hall, kitchen, living room
Grammar: animal Description (plural): They’ve got brown hair. They haven’t got red hair. To be + adjective (Interrogative – You): Are you surprised/ excited…?
Level 2 – Lesson 10
Clothes: shoes, trousers, shirt, skirt, socks, t-shirt
Grammar: verb to Have got – interrogative. Have…. got?/ Has…. got?
Level 2 – Lesson 11
Animals: sheep, lizard, goat, frog, duck, cow.
Grammar: is/are + adjective; have/ has got adjective + noun.
Level 2 – Lesson 12
Family members: sister, mum, grandma, grandpa, dad, brother
Grammar: there is/are + prepositions; There isn’t/ aren’t + prepositions
Level 2 – Lesson 13
Action verbs: Throw, Talk, Sit, Read, Catch, Kick
Grammar: Present simple: affirmative and negative: don’t like / doesn’t like; Short answers: Yes, I do / No, I don’t
Level 2 – Lesson 14
Action verbs: clean, fly, jump, run, sleep, walk
Functions. Asking and offering food: Can I have some…?; Would you like some…?
Level 2 – Lesson 15
Food: bread, chicken, chips, egg, milk, rice.
Grammar: verb there is/ there are: affirmative and negative.
Level 2 – Lesson 16
Food: apple juice, cake, fish, ice cream, meat, water
Grammar: verb there is/ there are: interrogative; short answers: Yes, there is/are; No, the isn’t/ aren’t
Level 2 – Lesson 17
Party Equipment: Balloons, cake, candles, clown, gif, party hat
Birthday Words
Functions. Asking and offering: Can I have…?. Yes, of course. Here you are; Would you like…?. Yes, please/ No, thank you.
Level 2 – Lesson 18
Farm animals: sheep, spider, lizard, horse, donkey
Grammar: adjective possessive: his, her, their.
Level 2 – Lesson 19
City places: cafe, flat, hospital, park, shop, street
Phonics: easy Phonics 1 (Unit 1 Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd )
Words: cat, ant, alligator, dish, bag, bike, doll, cat
Grammar: present simple: affirmative and negative; personal pronouns: you, we, they like…; I, you, we, they don’t like…; She, he, it likes….; She, he, it doesn’t like…
Level 2- Lesson 20
Prepositions of place: behind, between, in, in front of, next to, on
Zoo animals: tiger, bird, frog, snakes, spiders, hippo, elephants
Grammar: present simple: interrogative; Personal pronouns; Do (I, you, we, they) like…?; Does (she, he, it) like…?
Level 2 – Lesson 21
To be Present simple form: I am, you are, he is, she is, it is, we are, you are, they are
Phonics: easy Phonics 1 (Unit 2 Ee, Ff, Gg, Hh )
Words: elephants, green, girl, egg, horse, fan, hat, elf
Grammar: present simple. Questions and short answers. Do you like…? Yes I do, No I don’t; Does she like…? Yes, she does; No, she doesn’t
Level 2 – Lesson 22
Action verbs (sports): play football, play tennis, play the guitar, ride a bike, skate, swim
Grammar: Can they…? Yes, they can; No, they can’t : questions and short answers.
Level 2 – Lesson 23
Clothes: hat, jeans, shirt, skirt, sunglasses, trousers
Phonics: Easy Phonics 1
Grammar: Present continuous with wearing: am/ is/ are + wearing. Affirmative and interrogative; short answers
Level 2 – Lesson 24
Clothes: dress, jacket, jersey, scarf, shoes, socks
Grammar: present continuous with wearing II : am/ is/ are + wearing. Affirmative and interrogative; short answers
Level 2 – Lesson 25
Body parts: shoulder, arm, head, hair, teeth, knee, feet, hand
Grammar: verb to have got. Present simple: affirmative and negative.
Level 2 – Lesson 26
Transports: motorbike, lorry, car, taxi, plane, bus, helicopter, train
Grammar: verb to have got II. Present simple: affirmative and negative
Level 2 – Lesson 27
Holiday equipment: beach, sand, shell, mountain, sun, suncream, towel
Days of the week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Functions: love, like, don’t like, hate + verb -ing…on Monday
Level 2 – Lesson 28
Animal’s body parts: big ears, long neck, short legs, small feet, big eyes, small eyes, long body, short body
Grammar. To Have got, Simple Present: It’s got…, Has … got…?
Grammar: Verb to have got. Present simple: third person singular, affirmative.
Level 2 – Lesson 29
Birthday food: lemonade, burger, sausage, orange, watermelon, soft drink, drink, kiwi
Grammar. Pronouns + Verb to be: present affirmative; present negative
Level 2 – Lesson 30
Numbers 20-90: twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety
Grammar: I like Verb-ing; I enjoy Verb-ing; I don’t like Verb-ing; I don’t enjoy Verb-ing